Register now!

If you are keen to join us for season 2023, register now!

2022 was a great year with a full season after a challenging 2 years. It was wonderful to see everyone back on the pitch!

We have reviewed our fee structures and despite some increase in Football Victoria fees, we have not passed on that increase in an effort to keep our fees affordable for everyone and make sure all players are able to continue to enjoy playing soccer with us for as long as possible.

We are still offering discounts for Siblings, holders of Centrelink Health Care cards, and student discount for our Senior Metro players. Payment plans are available on request.

To register, please click this link to complete the registration in Play Football:

Registrations close soon and then we will finalise teams (Graded teams selected from the trials will have received notification already). Any registrations received after this time will be offered a place if vacancies exist in teams.